Creating has always been a part of my life. Even as a small child in up-state New York, I would create and paint whenever I could. Once married and with three boys I would still fit creativity in but, art was not a focal point of my life. While living in New York, I taught ceramics, and of the four shows I entered, I took Best In Show at three shows, won the prestigious Judges Award, and had an article published about my work. It was not until moving to North Carolina that I became serious about painting as a career. One of the reasons I love painting is being able to pass on the beauty I see around us. To get people to stop and enjoy the beauty I try to portray in a painting makes it a worthwhile venture. I work in pastel, colored pencil, graphite, watercolor and oils. This gives me the ability to use the medium I feel will best suit the picture. My passion for old items and buildings speaks to me of a time that will never come again, so I try to capture them before they are gone forever. It is my fervent prayer as I move forward in my painting career that I pass on some of the joy to others that it brings to me.
The End of the Road Size 16X20 Watercolor
Sherry Allis
Sallis Studio
Exhibiting at: 205 Barnhill Lane, Wake Forest, NC 27587
Studio: 213 North Church Street, Louisburg, NC 27549